So this weekend I met up with Ken and we went to the craftwerk event in euston, SO worth going! I was literally in heaven, it was all these indie DIY craft illustrators, makers and designers, with their own stalls, in this hall attached to a bar. it was free entry and I left with badges, buisiness cards, flyers, a vinyl, a tatty devine lolly, a mix cd and a small china owl, most of which were freebies. boom ting.
After went to shoreditch for a looky in 72 rivington st, but I forgot it was saturday so it was closed. Fierce window display by jiggery pokery.

yeah so I was well inspired after that so I made an octopus (it does have 8 legs, you can't really see the other leg though).
Also was found out ycn have started a summer school "an intensive four week creative programme for six disciplinarily diverse graduates - launching this August"
sounds scary... but exciting!