right so basically ive been working on and off these since start of last term and i recently finished and forgot about them due to recent assessment (which, by the way went bloody terrible!) aaaaanyway we have pretty much zero budget to work with for this zine that these spreads are going into, there for we had change em to black and white, shame coz colours made my images look a bit spesh (good spesh) and now they just look a bit borrring, but whatevs, im having em in me degree show anyways so there.
one. more. day. I'm not stressed at the mo, however something tells me I might have a breakdown in the early hours of this morning... afterall no formative assessment is complete without tears! fun times.
yes they're celebrities. yes it's my istd connections project. currently experimenting with type cutouts, loving the fluro paper. hating this project. 1 week left....
deadlines are looming again, but since im not happy with any prep work from this term, i wont be posting much. hopefully final outcomes will go to plan though, but really, when does anything ever go to plan?